The Yard Sale But It Ain't No Bargain edition by Cal Kirby Literature Fiction eBooks

This book pits the good against the bad and the good win--how imaginative. However, it is not your typical murder mystery in that the hero, Chas Kirkland, is a married homicide detective and he doesn’t get involved in affairs with every woman he meets. The story revolves around a friend of the detective who disappears travelling to the beach in Delaware. The detective learns that other women are also missing and he pulls out all the stops with his fellow police officers, his wife and their friends to find the women. Will he be too late or does he rescue them? Is one of the missing women a secret lover of a state Senator--did he kill her? You learn to hate the villainous leader of the Sparks Clan and root for justice to be done. Root for Chas and he might let you in on some other exciting police stories.
Cal Kirby was born in Mt. Shasta, California, but lived his formative years in Stockton--his brother and two sisters still reside there. After a stint in the Air Force, he moved to Maryland, where he now lives with his wife, Linda. He attended University College at the University of Maryland and spent 35 years with the Federal Government before retiring in 1994. Cal has been a professional actor since 1973 and has appeared on stage, TV, and in at least 30 theatrical releases (mostly as an extra).
Cal’s favorite times are when he is with his family, friends, and helping at his church. He has three sons, a daughter-in-law and four grandchildren (all of whom he adores). His friends and family were big inspirations for characters in The Yard Sale--hope they enjoy their alter-egos.
“I was inspired to write this book several years ago when I was coming back from a long weekend at Bethany Beach, Delaware, and saw a creepy house with a yard sale sign in front. This is my first book, but I already have a good plot for my next “Chas Kirkland Mystery.” If this book goes well, I hope to get “Our Fathers” out next year.
The Yard Sale But It Ain't No Bargain edition by Cal Kirby Literature Fiction eBooks
And now for something completely different--The Yard Sale (But It Ain't No Bargain). This slender novel is closer to a novella, but I don't believe author Cal Kirby cares. His command of mechanics is fine, but this 2001 first published book (now a 2011 ebook) is far from writing perfection. In fact, it's full of dropped-in factoids, blocks of character description, give-a-way chapter titles, odd asides, and violates many rules or guidelines in the search for conventional writing perfection. But, there is something endearing about this story and Chas Kirkland, a homicide detective, who tries to find a missing friend, Lisa Shoeman, before dastardly deeds can be done to her.Gather around the kitchen table, Cal is just telling a story. And if he needs to say that Lisa didn't know what was coming her way, even though the reader does, well, that's just the way Cal tells the story. A Cheshire Cat grin stayed on my face while reading Yard Sale despite the serious nature of the story. Why? I turned page after page despite a strong desire to pull out the big red pen and mark the hundreds of ways it could have been made better through some serious editing. The simple story has some really terrible bad guys, a good cop with strong and dependable cop allies, a few twists, a couple of plucky characters, heck of a chase scene, and friends who rally when the chips are down. A good screenplay writer could do a lot with this.
Despite enjoying it for what it was, I doubt that many readers will: it's just not a quality read. Unlike some people who put out crap just to get your $0.99, I believe Cal published an honest, if flawed book. But if you can put down your big red pen, toss a buck this way, and just let your critical nature go, you just might have a nice afternoon read. Giving it a 2 for its flaws seems just mean for the pleasure I got out of the story, so I'll raise it up like Atlas to a "3."
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Tags : The Yard Sale (But It Ain't No Bargain) - Kindle edition by Cal Kirby. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Yard Sale (But It Ain't No Bargain).,ebook,Cal Kirby,The Yard Sale (But It Ain't No Bargain),Author House,DRAMA American,FICTION Mystery & Detective Police Procedural
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The Yard Sale But It Ain't No Bargain edition by Cal Kirby Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews
I found the book the be an easy read, but kept my attention. I especially liked the fact that the main character was a good family man. Looking forward to the author's next book.
A fun read with enough twists and turns to keep you interested in the characters and outcome. Loved that it had lots of local spots and places I am familiar with. This would be a great beach read.
Sgt. Jim Waters, crime scene photographer. Or, at least I will be in Cal's next book. I had a blast reading, "Yard Sale." Not only has Cal compiled a great cast of believable characters, but he's breathed life into them. In fact, I feel like I know every single one of them. This book is an easy entertaining read.
And now for something completely different--The Yard Sale (But It Ain't No Bargain). This slender novel is closer to a novella, but I don't believe author Cal Kirby cares. His command of mechanics is fine, but this 2001 first published book (now a 2011 ebook) is far from writing perfection. In fact, it's full of dropped-in factoids, blocks of character description, give-a-way chapter titles, odd asides, and violates many rules or guidelines in the search for conventional writing perfection. But, there is something endearing about this story and Chas Kirkland, a homicide detective, who tries to find a missing friend, Lisa Shoeman, before dastardly deeds can be done to her.
Gather around the kitchen table, Cal is just telling a story. And if he needs to say that Lisa didn't know what was coming her way, even though the reader does, well, that's just the way Cal tells the story. A Cheshire Cat grin stayed on my face while reading Yard Sale despite the serious nature of the story. Why? I turned page after page despite a strong desire to pull out the big red pen and mark the hundreds of ways it could have been made better through some serious editing. The simple story has some really terrible bad guys, a good cop with strong and dependable cop allies, a few twists, a couple of plucky characters, heck of a chase scene, and friends who rally when the chips are down. A good screenplay writer could do a lot with this.
Despite enjoying it for what it was, I doubt that many readers will it's just not a quality read. Unlike some people who put out crap just to get your $0.99, I believe Cal published an honest, if flawed book. But if you can put down your big red pen, toss a buck this way, and just let your critical nature go, you just might have a nice afternoon read. Giving it a 2 for its flaws seems just mean for the pleasure I got out of the story, so I'll raise it up like Atlas to a "3."

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