Cholesterol The French Paradox Frank Cooper Naturopath 9781445221304 Books

What should you do about your cholesterol? Popular opinion is that cholesterol is a terrible substance that causes heart disease. Yet medical researchers that operate independently (meaning no ties to big pharmaceutical companies) state that cholesterol is a fundamental material that the human body needs for good health, avoiding cancer, and for clear thinking and strong memory abilities. And what is the perfect cholesterol level? Well the normal cholesterol levels in France for males in the 46-64 age group is between 200-278 mg/dl (Equiv USA level 5.1 - 7.1 mmol/L) and heart disease is very low in France. So the perfect cholesterol level must be within that range, and the closer it is to the midpoint of 6.1 mmol/L (235 mg/dl), the better. Furthermore, it is not widely known, but the dry weight of the human brain is 8% pure cholesterol. Consequently tampering with your cholesterol level is very dangerous for some individuals, because a number of people taking cholesterol-lowering drugs have developed an irreversible Alzheimer-like disease. This book provides a balanced view and understanding of cholesterol as provided by leading medical researchers. Importantly, the book explains what causes cardiovascular disease and how to avoid it.
Cholesterol The French Paradox Frank Cooper Naturopath 9781445221304 Books
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Cholesterol The French Paradox Frank Cooper Naturopath 9781445221304 Books Reviews
As a person with high cholesterol this book helped me understand the risks of rushing into cholesterol lowering drugs. The book provides a very easy to read health guide and I am very grateful that the opinions of Frank Cooper's collection of leading edge experts set me on the path to learn more about cholesterol and health and keep me drug free. This book is highly recommended.
I must say I'm not the person who devours books on health and diet. This book was recommended to me and I can see why. Extremely readable and the type of book you can refer to regularily to keep you on track. Surely that is what it is all about.
I recommended the book to other friends and their response was the same... So I am not alone. If you have issues about cholestterol & heart disease or simply want to know more in a practible sense then it is one for the bookshelf.
The "French Paradox" is the unexplained riddle of how a nation of alcohol-quaffing, croissant-munching gourmands stays healthy and slim, while a disproportionate number of health-obsessed Americans are obese and at cardiovascular risk. The French eat three times as much saturated animal fat as Americans, and only a third as many die of heart attacks. Naturopath Frank Cooper answers this riddle in depth and with clarity in his magnificent book, "Cholesterol and the French Paradox." This book is well documented and based on the work of renown medical authorities. It is very well written, extremely thorough, and communicated in layman's terms.
I found myself totally amazed at the fraud that has been perpetrated on the public concerning the link (or lack thereof) between cholesterol and heart disease. I give Frank Cooper kudos for bucking the establishment and the well-funded "dons" of the "Medical Mafia" and exposing the truth about the essential nature of cholesterol (i.e. vital for cell membrane and brain function & the source of vitamin D in the body). Also disturbing, yet not surprising, was the information concerning cholesterol drugs and their toxicity. I give this book "two thumbs up" - it is a MUST READ book for everyone who values their health and longevity.
I have been a nutritional "hobbyist" my whole life....I have taught bodybuilding, martial arts, plyometrics and conditioning classes....In 1987 I went from sitting in a wheelchair with almost every major bone in my left side of my body broken to being photographed in top bodybuilding shape 14 months doctor recently told me I was "un-American because I have the heart of an athlete ....there is a point to this...the human body is an incredible machine....anyone who takes the time to treat it right can have a very healthy life and lifestyle....I will be 60 in less than 24 months and have employees in their 20s who wonder "what are you ON???" because I have so much energy....
What I DO is constantly research my health...I mean...people will spend more time on this site researching a microwave oven than they will researching what is good for their health..instead they allow a very misinformed allopathic medical world tell them how to "be healthy"...hey gang...if you stood all your doctors and nurses in one long line you would not see a whole lotta healthy ones standing there in front of you....
I have been doing my best to keep my family from being sold on the cholesterol myth for many years now and have only been semi successful....but I keep on doing what I can to inform friends and relatives about health issues....THIS BOOK is absolutely fantastic...not only for its "easy read-ability" but for the data that he uses to refute any thought about whether statins are good for you
I recently finished Wheat Belly (purchased from ) and the Omnivore's Dilemna () ....these kinds of books are all one needs to stay abreast of what is the single most important thing we own...our health!!
Great stuff...
Heart disease is the number one killer in the United States and in many countries of the world. The reasons for this fact are numerous, but poor diet is usually identified as the number one culprit. Americans in particular are notorious for eating foods high in fat and the additional fat and cholesterol are usually cited as the primary causes of heart disease. However, there is one country whose population indulges in similar fat- laden foods and yet manages to have a lower incidence of heart disease. The nation is France and in this book, Cholesterol and the French Paradox, author Frank Cooper examines the French lifestyle, searching for clues that attempt to explain why the French are able to avoid problems with heart disease in spite of their eating habits.
Cholesterol has been a popular target of nutritionists for decades and many food items are often promoted based on their cholesterol- free composition. But as this book points out, there are many in the medical profession who do not believe that cholesterol and heart disease are necessarily related. Scientific studies have shown, for example, that more than half of all heart attack victims have cholesterol levels that fall within a normal range; that eating foods high in cholesterol does not increase blood level cholesterol; and that cholesterol intake was even higher in the past and yet the heart disease rate is greater today. Then, of course, there is the French paradox that forms the basis of this book The undeniable fact that the French eat as much fat and cholesterol as their American brothers and sisters and yet have a significantly lower incidence of coronary heart disease.
So, what exactly is so unique about the French diet and lifestyle that helps the French people suffer relatively few heart attacks? In the past, experts hypothesized that the French love of red wines made the difference. But there are other countries with an even greater consumption of wine and they do not enjoy a comparably low incidence of heart disease. Others then suggested that the French paradox can be attributed to the fact that, while the foods they eat are high in fat, the French tend to eat smaller portions. Still others pointed out the fitness level of the French. But the problem with all of these theories is that they don't hold up when an official scientific study is conducted.
Cholesterol and the French Paradox supposedly has the answer to this riddle and, yes, it does have to do with diet. Author Frank Cooper is convinced that the issue isn't the wine, the small portions of food, or the exercise. He feels that it comes down to the type of fats that the French typically consume. It is true that the French love to eat pastries and other fatty foods, but the difference is that the French rely more on natural fats. They enjoy their cheese and whole cream, but the fat contained in these foods is natural. On the other hand, the fat that Americans and the people of other nations are likely to consume often consists of transfat and hydrogenated oils. These man- made fats are far worse, and according to this book, they are the main reason why Americans and the people of most other nations experience heart disease with much greater frequency.
Heart disease has ranked as the number one killer in the United States for a long time and this negative fact has often been associated with excess cholesterol and fat in the diet. Exercise is important to a healthy lifestyle. So is proper rest and reduction of stress. But according to Cholesterol and the French Paradox, the main reason Americans and others suffer heartt attacks so frequently is due to our consumption of hydrogenated oils and other unnatural fats. As the French have shown, reduction of these unnatural fats can reduce the chances for heart disease significantly; leading to better health while still allowing for indulgence in many of the edible pleasures that life has to offer.
well presented and easy to read

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